Saturday 7 May 2016

Sciency stuff

Turned some potion bottles, a wooden cabinet and an aquarium pump into a steampunk alchemist laboratory:)

Tuesday 3 May 2016


Pretty cool copper picture mobile I found at a charity shop, plan to fill it with my own drawings at some point. Hung it off the empty frame around my light, will probably turn it into some kind of chandelier.

And now for somthing completley different

 Steampunk and Gothic hair bows and a Victorian chatelaine. The bows were made from scratch, the chatelaine was re-purposed from a necklace.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Monday 25 April 2016

Thought I'd put her to work modelling some headgear :) The goggles were modded from a cheap pair I bought off ebay, the left lens with the light is a watchmakers loupe and the aperture on the right lens is arranged out of watch parts.


My newest robot, I was going for an astronomy theme with this one :)

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Steampunk night light

 Carlos looks a million times cooler in the dark ^^

Cyber Mantis

Practicing drawing in Photoshop with a tablet.
Added some fake eyelashes and put some gears inside the cheek, made quite a mess cutting out of the polystyrene XD

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Been modding a polystyrene wig/hat model, this is where I'm at so far. The rivets are flat-back pearl beads, discovered whilst gluing them that UHU glue dissolves polystyrene on contact :/

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Sunday 10 April 2016

Dr Wilson Hertford Rustworthy

Sells cure-all tonics at reasonable prices, customer satisfaction guaranteed ;) The design of this guy was based off a really awesome coffee machine I saw in London a while back. 


The finished ray-gun, gonna use it as part of some kind of steampunk cosplay, not sure what yet.

Friday 8 April 2016


One of my last uni projects, and one of the few projects I did there that I'm actually pleased with :) He has a wire frame inside so the body is basically hollow with a hole in the bottom to put a light inside. The main body is made of an old tablecloth and the underneath is fake leather cut from the ugliest pillowcase ever. Also his full name is Carlos Henry Josephine Juantacle the 8th.

Close up of the gears inside his eyes.

Thursday 7 April 2016


Toy I'm modifying to look like a Tesla style ray-gun. Gave it a paint job and was adding the rod with the coil down the center, thought the inside looks pretty cool so I took some pics.

Tuesday 5 April 2016


I was going for a Japanese kind of look like a character you might find in an anime, I'm happy quite with how it looks. Unfortunately he doesn't stand for very long, so here he is lying in some rubble.


My second robot, completely improvised. Basically just started cutting random shapes out of foam and gluing them together with no plan whatsoever and it sort of developed into this Victorian lady design.

Monday 4 April 2016

I called him Bernard

My first robot. Kind of a random project but its developed into a favorite hobby of mine :) His limbs are made of thick garden wire and the shapes that make up the body are made of EVA foam so he is actually really light.